Every person is born with certain aptitude and ability to regulate potential, outcomes and achievements in life. When an individual capacity is properly analyzed and figured, then it is possible to assist appropriately. This guide can either be advice through the Numerology and Five Phases on how/when to act, and enhance individual ability to fulfill potential to its limits or to avoid downfalls.
"We all believe we are special. We all believe we are unique. And we all believe that because we are special and unique, we destined for something". The question is WHAT?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Three Aspects of Each Number

Number 1
Constructive: Creation, Originality, Independence, Courage, Progress, Ambition, Positiveness, Will Power, Leadership, Pioneering, Activity, Force
Negative: Laziness, Imitation, Dependence, Selfishness, Instability, Egotism, Weakness, Fear, Braggadocio (makes overblown claims), Contrariness (opposite in direction), Stagnation, Stubbornness
Destructive: Tyranny (cruelty and injustice), Monomania, Iconoclasm (challenge to traditional), Antagonism (dislike), Bullying, Self-at-all-costs

Number 2
Constructive: Love, Service, Gentleness, Harmony, Adaptability, Charm, Diplomacy, Friendliness, Rhythm, Music, Receptivity, Cooperation, Consideration for others
Negative: Indecisiveness, Apathy, Indifference, Shyness, Self-effacement, Over-sensitiveness, Spinelessness, Boot-licking, Moodiness, Restlessness, Slackness, Carelessness
Destructive: Deception Mischief-making, Sullenness, Cruelty, Cowardice, Bad Temper, Slyness, Lying, Pessimism

Number 3
Constructive: Artistic expression, The Joy of Living, Freedom from Worry, Optimism, Inspiration, Talent, Imagination, Good Taste, Sociability, Friendliness, Kindness
Negative: Dilettantism, Worry, Whining, Critical, Gossip, Extravagance, Vanity, In consequence, Superficiality, Ex-aggeration, Silly Pride
Destructive: Jealousy, Hypocrisy, Wastefulness, Yellow Streak, Intolerance

Number 4
Constructive: Practicality, Service, Patience, Exactitude (accuracy), Organization, Application, Devotion, Patriotism, Conservatism, Pragmatism (common sense), Dignity, Economy, Trust, Worthiness, Endurance, Loyalty
Plodding, Narrowness, Exaction, repression, Minuteness, Penuriousness (stingy),
Negative: Clumsiness, Dogmatism (stubbornness), Crudeness, Brusqueness (lack of warmth), Restriction, Rigidity, Sternness, Dullness
Destructive: Vulgarity (offensiveness), Animal-ism, Hatred, Violence, Jealousy, Inhumanity, Resistance, Destruction, Cruelty

Number 5
Constructive: Freedom, Progress, Versatility, Understanding, Variety, Adaptability, Mental curiosity, Life experience, Cleverness, Un-attachment, Sociability, Change,
Negative: Discard, Travel, Adventure, Companion ability
Irresponsibility, Procrastination (postpone doing something), Carelessness, Self-indulgence, Thoughtlessness, Inconsistency, Sensationalism, Bad Taste
Destructive: Libertinism, Perversion, Abuse of Freedom, Indulgence in Drink, Indulgence in dope, Sensuality

Number 6
Constructive: Love, Harmony, Home, Responsibility, Adjustment, Musical talent, Sympathy, Understanding, Domesticity, Guardianship, Stability, Poise, Protection, Healing, Firmness, Balance, Idealism, Conscientiousness, Justice, Burden-bearing, Service to mankind
Negative: Anxiety, Worry, Meddlesome (interfering unnecessarily), Bustling activity, Misplaced sympathy, Mistaken ideals, Interference, Conventionality, Pride, Smugness, Unwilling service, Drudgery (hardworking), Despondency
Destructive: Cynicism (distrust), Egotism, Suspicion, Jealousy, Slavery, Domestic tyranny

Number 7
Constructive: Mental analysis, Technically, Introspection, Peace, Poise, Scientific research, Spirituality, Faith, Trust, Stoicism, Refinement, Wisdom, Silence, “Theories & Fundamentals”
Negative: Melancholy (gloomy), Fault-finding, Sarcasm (mockery), Coldness, Aloofness, Skepticism, Confusion, Humiliation, Nervousness, Eroticism
Destructive: Faithlessness, Turbulence, Drink, Malice, Suppression, Deceitfulness (dishonesty), Theft, Cheating, Craftiness

Number 8
Constructive: Power, Authority, Success, Material freedom, Judgment, Discrimination, Executive ability, Organization, Leadership, Management, Practically, Thoroughness, Dependability, Self-reliance, Control, the Power to succeed
Negative: Strain, Hardness, Materiality, Ambition for self and money, Demand for recognition, Intolerance, Worry, Scheming, Love of Power, Carelessness, Impatience, Poor judgment, Misspent energy
Destructive: Bullying, Abuse, Revenge, Oppressiveness, Injustice, Cruelty, Unscrupulousness (ruthlessness)

Number 9
Constructive: Universal Love, Brotherhood, Charity, Compassion, The Higher Law, Artistic genius, Selfless service, Philanthropy (compassion), Humanitarianism, Magnetism, Sympathy, Understanding, Romance, Generosity, Breadth of viewpoint
Negative: Emotionalism, Amativeness, Egocentricity, Sentimentality, Dissipation of forces,
Indiscretion, Impracticality, Fickleness Aimless dreaming.
Destructive: Dissipation, Immorality, Vulgarity (offensiveness), Bitterness, Moroseness

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