Every person is born with certain aptitude and ability to regulate potential, outcomes and achievements in life. When an individual capacity is properly analyzed and figured, then it is possible to assist appropriately. This guide can either be advice through the Numerology and Five Phases on how/when to act, and enhance individual ability to fulfill potential to its limits or to avoid downfalls.
"We all believe we are special. We all believe we are unique. And we all believe that because we are special and unique, we destined for something". The question is WHAT?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Leader Numbers 11, 22 and 33

There are double digit numbers require special emphasis and attention. These are 11, 22 and 33. They are called Leader Numbers because they possess more potential than other numbers.

[11], is a strong learning and teaching. When you have learnt your lessons well you assist others in finding their own answers, in life. You have a strong sense of justice and when you discover injustices you may have the urge to do something about it. You have a way of making life sound interesting and enjoyable and therefore make an excellent speaker. You meet the challenges in life head on, and won’t stop until the job is done. You can be one of the most difficult, as you demand high standards of yourself, and others.

[22], can be one turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. You can accomplish a lot when you are at work with large organizations and business groups. You have big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and enormous self-confidence. You can demonstrate a large degree of self-control, even in the most difficult situations. Your originality may at times come into play, when there are problems to be solved, as you see life from “out of the box”. At times you may not know when to stop and this can be your downfall. Yet you recover quickly, and are just as eager to start from scratch, to search for the solution to any problem. When you have the freedom to do the things you want, there is no telling how far this will take you.

[33], is one of finding protection and teacher for others. You can be a true humanitarian, and enjoy life most when you are helping others. Your giving nature at times, may lead you down a path of caring too much. You feel others pain as your own and have a strong empathy for others. You enjoy quiet times to yourself away from other people. Nature calls you strongly at times where you may feel the need to put your hands in the dirt to create the grounding that you require. When you are at full strength others feel comfortable around you, and look to you for healing.

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