Every person is born with certain aptitude and ability to regulate potential, outcomes and achievements in life. When an individual capacity is properly analyzed and figured, then it is possible to assist appropriately. This guide can either be advice through the Numerology and Five Phases on how/when to act, and enhance individual ability to fulfill potential to its limits or to avoid downfalls.
"We all believe we are special. We all believe we are unique. And we all believe that because we are special and unique, we destined for something". The question is WHAT?

Monday, March 22, 2010


What is Numerology?

Numerology is a complex mathematical system that reveals your character, personality, and experience through the reasonable progression of numbers. It provides a complete understanding on personality lifestyle when we apply the meaning of individual numbers using our name and birth-date. The numbers of our name describe the things we were born knowing and birth-date describes the things we need to learn. As you examine your Numerology, you'll find a great deal of insight about yourself, and you can make improvement in yourself.

The roots of numerology can be traced back some 10,000 years or more to Egypt and Babylonia. Pythagoras, who developed many of the basic theorems that form the foundation of modern mathematics. The character of each of the nine numbers is linked to influences, and that numbers can be used to interpret from hour, day, week, month, or year. Each number has a size, quality and value, and the study of their symbolism can be used as a method of guidance.

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